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Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 - we're drinkin drinkin drinkin drinkin coca coca cola.
11:44 am
lately i've been pondering the possibility of getting married. who i'd invite, who my bridesmaids would be, stuff like that.

i think i'd want to go to europe for a honeymoon.

seriously, though, this line of thought somewhat disturbs me, in that it's much girlier than i usually am.

and it's weird for me to even be dating someone who i can see myself being with, who i WANT to be with. because for a long time i just kind of assumed that i was doomed to be alone forever. well, i'd have a cat. but other than that.

as far as bridesmaids go, cliffie, limbo, hanna, jennie, and iowa all have to be bridesmaids.


my webcam seems to have stopped working, otherwise i'd post my new haircolor (black, AGAIN) on here.

i am becoming obsessed with the lyrics to Kathy With A K's song.

also, modest mouse's "tiny cities made of ashes" rules you.

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If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall then I think we'd see the beauty then we'd stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told between the fault lines and the soil. ~ Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges

...or the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground.