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Friday, Oct. 11, 2002 - revelations and anecdotal information.
2:14 am
so i had an epiphany at the sleater-kinney show. allyson said hi, and i talked to her for a minute, and that was good. but the show was like, see how many people we can fit inside one small gymnasium type thing that make kate uncomfortable. and about halfway through sleater-kinney's set, i realize that all those people who make me uncomfortable are part of my past. i can't change my past. i can't make people believe that if they knew me before i went to school last year, i changed up at school. for the worse. and now i've changed again. i can't make anyone believe that. i didn't see ry, but i suddenly didn't care if he was there or not. i was there to have a good time and be with my boyfriend who i love, the boy who is my future. i can't change my past, and the only part of my past that can hurt me is the part i let hurt me. so i suddenly stopped caring what people were thinking about me. i stopped caring about what i did in my past. all that matters now is the present and the future.

and then i had the best time ever.

i feel free.

two of the girls from sleater-kinney came into the lounge thingy where mark, neal and i were playing pool and ping-pong during the opening band. which was cool. mark and i let them use the ping pong table. one of them wacked me in the head with a ping pong ball. on accident (i think... o.O). so we watched them play ping pong. and it was fun.

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If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall then I think we'd see the beauty then we'd stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told between the fault lines and the soil. ~ Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges

...or the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground.