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Saturday, May. 03, 2003 - i love diet pepsi. booyeah.
1:54 pm
blah. i neglect this particular outlet these days. i suppose because i've got the "creative" stuff diary and i've been venting through that lately. i don't know.

went home to pick up the rent check from the parents yesterday and found out the little neighbor boy died. he was 15. he died of complications from a bone marrow transplant. it's just weird because the whole time i was home i kept expecting him to come trouncing in the garage looking for my brother. fifteen. and such a nice kid, too. he knew he was going to die young. the kid had leukemia on and off since he was four.

it's sad.

on an up note, not only was it free comic book day today (geek alert!) but i got all orientated at borders. it's opening may 24. whoooooo. all it was today, though, was paperwork and a whole fuckload of the normal corporate bullshit. also, the discount isn't as good as at Barnes and Noble. but i can wear jeans. which makes me a happy kitten. so the next three weeks will be spent working every hour they can concevably give me, and work at taco time the hours they can't. i need at least $300 in spendable cash before may 28. i have to take a dmacc class over (FUCKING C++!!!!), and i'm gonna pay for it myself. because i have delusions of financial independance.

i'm still trying to talk my friend jenn into living with me next year. so far, sort of good. it's looking more and more possible as the year goes on. i'm thinking if i can get her to live with me i want to look at apartments over by the boheme. i like the area. plus, the closer to campus i am for next year, the more likely i am to go to class. oi. though i'll most likely be spending most of my nights at dan and marko's, which is out past towers (by the disc golf course.)

also, i got my credit card bill paid off. huzzah!

i saw the band the postal service out in omaha last weekend, and they rocked my socks. next weekend it's back out to omaha to see bright eyes again. should be a good time, as i know some other people who are going for once.

time to go read comics and then study anthropology.

kate out.

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If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall then I think we'd see the beauty then we'd stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told between the fault lines and the soil. ~ Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges

...or the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground.