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Wednesday, Jun. 19, 2002 - false advertising.
5:26 pm
str�ange�talk (n.):

1) online community for iowa state students and those somehow connected to iowa state;

2) the source of my social life;

3) crack.

welcome to this meeting of strangetalkers anonymous. my name is group: hello, kate. it's been 24 hours since i last posted. group applauds. i've been wasting my time with online journals instead. i feel like i'm making real steps. group claps politely.

i am jack's sneaking suspiscion that my boyfriend mark and i are two of the most infamous people from second semester at iowa state university. i suspect that if you did a word recognition with mark's screenname for strangetalk ("marko", a combination of his first name and the first letter of his last name...gee, isn't he imaginative?) the first words out of many iowa stater's mouths would be "wanna make out?"

this brings me to how i met him. at the beginning of the school year, i really didn't have any friends at iowa state...until i ran across strangetalk one day. through it i gradually came to know a ridiculous number of people.

right before the end of the school year, i was looking through the top posters (i'm the top female poster, at #23 out of 2,000 plus registered users) and realized that i knew almost all of them, except #3...

who, incidentally, was infamous for asking every female on strangetalk if they wanted to make out. which i thought was more than slightly amusing. unfortunately, no one knew if he was cute or not. so my good friend hanna and i decided to stalk the boy down and report back to the women of strangetalk.

so in order to meet him, i agreed to go to a show in omaha with him and his friend neal the night before i was supposed to move out of the dorms.

and lo and behold, the boy really was cute. but nothing really came of it then. i saw him again a week or so after the end of the semester, leaving a party i was going to. we talked for a few minutes, and i started kicking around the idea of asking him out.

so i did.

and the rest is history.

now if the damn boy would just come home....

*le sigh*.

people have been giving me something of a hard time for dating a ska kid. if you know me, you'll know that i am not so much a fan of ska. but the boy isn't really just a ska kid, just as i am not just an indie kid, or an emo kid.


i just realized that i completely and totally got off the original point of this entry. i should

alright, that's it. yes, i did start a new paragraph in the middle of a sentence. this is my valiant effort to save this piece of crap entry from the waste bin.

i don't think it's working.

i think i'll just quit now.

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If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall then I think we'd see the beauty then we'd stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told between the fault lines and the soil. ~ Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges

...or the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground.