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Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2002 - if i could act like this was my real life.
9:04 am
first, a great big fucking FUCK YOU to drew miller. you never really cared anyway. the farther removed from you i get, the more obvious it is that i was an idiot.

second, moshing is fun. my hand hurts a little still, but not as badly as last night. i can move it without paralyzing pain now. which is good. for those of you wondering about why my hand hurts...i hit it on someone. i don't know who. fear me for i am badass.

i got to see katie wickiser last night. that sassy wench is back in town and going to dmacc. i love katie. one of the few people i've known for fucking ever. xoxoxoxoxo to the katie.

the groovy ghoulies have the cutest tee shirts ever. also, their chick bassist(?? or guitar player, i couldn't see) is hot. i wish i was her. i told mark he'd like me better if i was.

today is tuesday. this means that in about oh, two days!!! i will be leaving for minneapolis and the glory that is bright eyes live. also, i am pleased, for the beloved boyfriend brought the tickets over tonight. damn them being through ticket master. damn bright eyes not playing at the m-shop. oh, how glorious it would be.

my darling mark and i are going to do spooky things on friday. such as go explore graveyards and other such things, for friday is indeed friday the 13th. ^_^ i love spooky things.

i'm rambling, and it's almost time for me to leave for class.



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If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall then I think we'd see the beauty then we'd stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told between the fault lines and the soil. ~ Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges

...or the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground.