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Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2002 - and what's left in the smoke and the falling debris is grownups like them and losers like me.
5:57 pm
my thoughts for today, september 11, 2002:

i want to see the president dead. this isn't to say that i condone murder. i don't. has the world forgotten that our "prez" is a mass murdering FUCKHEAD??? in texas, he put people to death ALL THE TIME. in office, he started a war.

people are so blinded by patriotism after september 11 that they follow his commands like sheep to the slaughter. and that's exactly what it is. since september the 11, 2001, we've given up so much. we're being encouraged to spy on one another. our communications are being monitored. we practice racial profiling all the time.

everyone assumes that in the end, all people are the same. not equal, for equal allows for differences in beliefs, morals, and preferences. equal means that we're all given the same opportunities, that our country allows all people with a drive and a will to succeed, regardless of race, creed, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

we are not a country of the same people. and we need to realize that, and embrace our differences.

we need a leader who truly believes in the people, and loves all of them. we don't need leaders put into power through greed, through the influence of their fathers, whose only interest seems to be starting wars.

WAKE UP, PEOPLE. YOUR GOVERNMENT CAN'T PROTECT YOU, BUT THEY CAN GET YOU KILLED. it's our "great" nation's foreign policy, and our habit of being the greediest, fattest nation of slobs on the FUCKING PLANET that got us into this mess.

yes, it is awful that so many people died. but you know what? i don't feel sorry for the greedy fucks that died making more money for more greedy fucks. i feel pity for the families of the firemen, the policemen, the blue collar workers like the janitors. the airplane's staff and pilots and passengers. the people just trying to get by while the others had more money than they could dream of.

"i want to pledge alliegance to the country where i live. i don't want to be ashamed to be american. but opportunity, no, it don't exist. it's the opiate of the populace."

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If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall then I think we'd see the beauty then we'd stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told between the fault lines and the soil. ~ Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges

...or the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground.