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Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 - time to go now.
5:50 pm

apparently certain people, think i've been smoking the wacky weed.

this is not the truth. i have, however, been reading too many conspiracy theory books and books about leftist politics.

that is the truth.


gotta run to class, i'm at the library waiting for my damnable paper to print.

ps: GODDAMNIT, I LIKE THAT SOUL COUGHING SONG. shut up. i never said all the music i like was good.



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If the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall then I think we'd see the beauty then we'd stand staring in awe at our still lives posed like a bowl of oranges, like a story told between the fault lines and the soil. ~ Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges

...or the story is in the soil, keep your ear to the ground.